Each deal must have a pinned note that gets updated over time with increasingly relevant information, files, and links. At the Closed-Won stage, the NEAT notes should be updated as any new information is captured.
1. Please include the following in the Deal Record:
- NEAT Notes
- ROI or Proposal Link
- Ensure all contacts are attached to the deal record
- Upload signed contract under Attachments on the right
2. Please update the following:
- Stage: You must change to Closed Win!
- Close Date: Will automatically update to today.
- Amount: You must confirm the correct MRR & Setup Fee are reflected in the deal record.
3. Update the NS Deals Sheet
- Your tab
- "Total" tab
4. Send the Underwriting email with the signed contract attached.
- Underwriting Template: Paystand Underwriting Request
5. Share the ROI with Erik Yu.