HubSpot deal process for SAL, Closed Lost, Pending, and No Show

To Mark SAL

  1. Deal Stage - SAL/Discovery/Education Demo: AE determines that the SQL is an opportunity.
  2. Amount: Estimated MRR
  3. ARR: Estimated ARR


  1. SAL - Mark “Yes”
  2. Discovery Call Happened - Change from “Pending” or “no” to “Yes”.
  3. Discovery Call Date - confirm that the date is accurate
  4. Confidence Level: Commit, probable, or possible
  5. Next Steps: Establish a timeline for the next steps


To Mark Closed Lost

  1. Deal Stage: Closed lost or Closed Lost Nurture - after saving, a prompt will appear asking why you are not pursuing the deal
  2. SAL: No
  3. Discovery Meeting Happened: Yes
  4. Discovery Call Date: Confirm that it is accurate 
  5. Next Steps: Establish a timeline for next steps if necessary

Disco Call Happened, Unsure if SAL or Closed Lost

SALs & Closed Lost should be marked within 24 hours of the initial discovery meeting. If there are any gray areas that would prevent marking it right away, the absolute maximum period to mark an SAL should be within 7 days. If it’s still unclear after 7 days, speak with your manager to resolve the issue ASAP.

  1. Deal Stage: Keep as SQL
  2. SAL: This stage should remain “empty”
  3. Discovery call happened: Change from “Pending” to “Yes”
  4. Next steps: Have the next steps for the follow-up set
  5. When determined SAL or Closed lost follow appropriate flow

Prospect No Shows (BDRs Responsibility)

  1. Discovery call happened - Change from “empty” to “No”
  2. Discovery call date - leave on the current date

Once BDR Reschedules the Meeting

  1. Discovery call happened - Change from “no” to “Pending”
  2. Discovery call date - change to the new meeting date

If there is no traction between BDR and the account within 2 weeks of the original SQL date, consult with the manager to determine next steps (closed/lost vs continue pursuing).